Above Ground 275 or 330 Gallon Oil Tank Installations In Basements
We can help you decide where the best location is for us to install your tank.
- Basement Oil Tanks- must meet certain criteria, as per building and fire codes, including distances from any fuel burning appliance (furnace, water heater, dryer..etc.)
- Outside Oil Tanks- we install heating oil tanks on a 4 inch steel reinforced cement slabs, an oil tank can weigh between 2800-3200 pounds when full. They need to be placed on a sturdy foundation.
- Twin Oil Tanks (or sistered tanks)- joining two tanks together allows for greater oil storage. By connecting the tanks properly you can be sure they will remain equalized while in use and during delivery.
- Garage Oil Tanks- are installed with protection from vehicles, usually including 4inch bollards filled with cement
Above Ground 275 Gallon Oil Tank Located In A Basement
Barrier advises all customers to replace their underground tanks with above ground tanks. An above ground tank can be easily monitered, giving home owners one less thing to worry about.

Above Ground 275 Gallon Oil Tank Painted And Located On Cement Slab In The Back Of The House
This is an example of a painted above ground oil tank, not only does is look better but the almond color rustoleum helps increase the life of the tank. The tank is also placed on a cement slab to guarantee stability. A tank full of oil can weigh over 2,800 pounds.

Twin 137 Gallon Above Ground Oil Tanks
Sometimes we must get creative. This is an example of (2) 137 gallon oil tanks joined together.

Twin 330 Gallon Granby Ecoguard Above Ground Oil Tanks
For larger homes, Twin 330 Gallon oil tank provide 660 gallons of total storage. The Ecoguard also offers a steel tank with a polyurethane coating to prevent oxidation.

When installing Underground Storage Tanks (UST’s), we always install double walled tanks.
Double walled oil tanks are the only type of tanks we install underground. With its outer shell and insterstitial space it provides the ultimate solution for underground petroleum storage.

If you have any questions regarding your town code feel free to us or your local building department.