Importance of Oil Tank Installation & Removal In Putnam or Westchester County, NY
Underground heating oil storage tanks (UST’s) are very common in Putnam and Westchester County, NY. Due to environmental concerns, many people opt to replace these tanks with above ground oil tanks (AST’s) or convert to natural gas or propane. Most of the underground heating oil tanks in use today were installed when the house was built. These tanks were originally meant to last 30 years depending on the quality. Since there are very few indicators of a tank failure, most leaks can go unnoticed. Leaking tanks can lead to costly a remediation depending on the impact to soil and groundwater. For this reason, some newer home owner’s insurance policies will not cover oil tank removal, contaminated soil removal, contaminated water removal or the soil and water sampling that may be necessary. In fact, in current real estate market, lenders, insurers, attorneys and real estate agents will encourage (or require) underground oil tanks to be removed oil replaced prior to closings.
While the removal and installation sound complicated, it is fairly straightforward for industry professionals. Unless you convert to natural gas oil propane, you should install an above ground tank. If that isn’t possible double wall underground tanks can be installed. Above ground, tanks come in various sizes and shapes. They are ideal for basements, garages or even outside on a cement slab. Oil tank installations must adhere to local, state and federals laws and should be done by a licensed professional. Most towns and villages require permits and inspections of the work. This is to protect homeowners from poor craftsmanship and shortcuts. If a permit is required, you should never let a contracting install a tank without one.
The oil tank removal portion is more complex. Underground heating oil tanks mostly have 550 or 1000 gallon worth of capacity. They can be 5 or 10 feet long by 4 feet in diameter and the top can be anywhere from 2-6 feet below grade. In most cases, an excavator is used to excavate the soils on top of the tank. The piping is disconnected and the tank is removed. Again, professionals are needed to file permits, collect samples, dispose of waste/ tank properly and create a report.
Are you looking for an Oil Tank Installation & Removal In Putnam County? Contact Barrier Contracting a fully licensed and insured company which offers a wide range of quality oil tank Installations, oil tank removal, and Environmental Services.