
The Importance Of Considering Oil Tank Removal In Westchester County!

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Oil tank removal is becoming more popular among the building owners to remove the installed oil tanks in a professional manner. Nowadays, homeowners and potential buyers are aware of the environmental risks associated with a leaking oil tank and taking the right measures to prevent it.

Here are some of the major reasons to consider oil tank removal in Westchester County.

If you have an underground oil tank it is usually comprised of bare steel, the steel materials used in the tank can oxidize causing holes to form. Once these holes form they can release oil into the soil and potentially the ground water.

Prevent Environmental Damage and Costly Remediations

The slow leakage of oil from the tank is can go unnoticed to the home owner. If the leakage of oil is unnoticed for several days, months or year then the surrounded soils become impacted by petroleum contamination. If the contamination spreads to the groundwater, the water can spread the contamination. This can result in impacted streams, lakes, rivers and potentially drinking water wells. Homeowners are required by the state to remediate contaminated soil and ground water if encountered. These clean ups can be very costly. The soil must be excavated and disposed of by licensed haulers to licensed disposal facilities. Post excavation soil (and ground water if encountered) samples must be collected and analyzed by a licensed laboratory. The results are then submitted to the State to determine if the remediation is satisfactory.

If an underground heating oil tank is removed prior to leaking you can assure the water and soil will be free of the harmful contaminants.

Final Thoughts

Old underground tanks will leak at some point if they are left in the ground too long. The average recommendation is 20 years. Some may last longer but others may not. The risk of an unknown leak can be both costly and have detrimental impacts to the environment. It is best to remove and replace them prior to failure.

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