Above Ground Oil Tanks can be installed in your basement, garage or outside, depending on the municipal oil storage regulations in your area. Different towns, cities and villages in Westchester and Putnam County have different codes about the installation of oil tanks. Most municipalities require licensed professionals, permits and inspections for oil tank installation. Barrier Contracting has the experience both in the field and in the office, to provide customers top notch service.
We can help you decide the best location for your oil tank installation.
- Basement Oil Tanks– must meet specific building and fire codes, including distances from any fuel burning appliance (furnace, water heater, dryer..etc.), size of pipping, coated copper, shut off or firematic valves etc.
- Outside Oil Tanks– Barrier will only install oil tanks designed for outdoor use. This includes Granby 20Plus, EcoPlus or Roth Double wall tanks. Do not let anyone install a basic black indoor tank outdoors. Outdoor heating oil tanks require a sturdy solid foundation. An oil tank can weigh between 2800-3200 pounds when full. For our installations we use hand poured, 4-inch steel reinforced cement slabs.
- Twin Oil Tanks (or sistered tanks)- Larger houses may require larger storage, joining two tanks together allows for greater oil storage. By connecting the tanks properly you can be sure they will remain equalized while in use and during delivery.
- Garage Oil Tanks– are installed with protection from vehicles, usually including 4inch bollards filled with cement